Symposium on Concrete and Concrete Structures
(Parma, October 15th, 201

The first edition of the fib Italy YMG Symposium on Concrete and Concrete Structures for young engineers, PhD students and Post-Docs is announced.
The Symposium, organized with the support of C.T.E., aicap and fib, in an opportunity for presenting your own research project or design work to a scientific committee – constituted by university professors and industrial representatives – with the aim of creating an open forum on recent developments and new boundaries of the challenging world of concrete and concrete structures.
A paper 4-8 pages long is requested for submission. It could be related to one specific research topic or it can represent a synthesis of a research project or a design example.
Papers will be peer-reviewed and sent to the members of the fib Commissions in order to receive their feedback for a further development of the work, with special reference to the fib activities.
Papers should be written in English, following the paper template, and submitted to symposium@fibitaliayoung.it in .pdf format specifying the Object “Manuscript – Symposium 2019”.
- Bridges and structures in marine environment
- Tunnels
- Building process
- Industrial pavements
- Analysis, design and modelling
- Existing structures
- Retrofitting on existing structures
- Cementitious composites
- Concrete reinforcement
- Precast building elements
- Durability
- Sustainability
The three best papers will be awarded through the “fib Italy YMG Award for best research advances in concrete and concrete structures“.
- Free for fib members;
In order to register, please send the registration form (filled out and signed) to symposium@fibitaliayoung.it .
For further information, please write to symposium@fibitaliayoung.it .
- July 30th, 2019: registration and paper submission;
- August 30th, 2019: response from reviewers;
- September 15th, 2019: final paper submission;
- October 15th, 2019: Symposium.
Organizing Committee
Marta Del Zoppo (Chair), PhD, Università di Napoli Federico II
Francesca Vecchi (co-chair), PhD, Università di Parma
Isabella G. Colombo (co-chair, segretariato), PhD, Politecnico di Milano
The event is co-organized together with the University of Parma (Prof. Beatrice Belletti).
Scientific Committee
Belletti Beatrice, Università di Parma
Castaldo Paolo, Politecnico di Torino
Colombo Isabella Giorgia (co-chair), Politecnico di Milano
Del Vecchio Ciro, Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Del Zoppo Marta (Chair), Università di Napoli “Federico II”
di Prisco Marco, Politecnico di Milano
Menna Costantino, Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Minelli Fausto, Università degli Studi di Brescia
Pampanin Stefano, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Prota Andrea, Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Rinaldi Zila, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Vecchi Francesca, Università di Parma
The Symposium will take place in the campus of the University of Parma (Parma, Italy) in “S. Elisabetta” Conference Center.
